Plugin Chooser Ver1.0 for Windows T.Kamachi 29 Sep 1996 Copyright (C) 1996 T.Kamachi All Rights Reserved. 1. About Plugin Chooser Plugin Chooser is a software to choose plugins for Netscape Navigator. Netscape Navigator has a capability of adding plugin modules. If you add plugins, Netscape Navigator becomes to be able to handle information which Netscape Navigator does not support by its own. But plugin capability has some inconveniences like: - you can't switch multiple plugins for same type of information. - you can't use helper applications if you add a plugin for the same type of information. Especially, Netscape Navigator 3.0 has some plugins in it, so you may have some troubles when you try to add other plugins or helper applications. Plugin Chooser solves these problems: - you can choose one of the plugins which you want to use for a type of information. - you can make plugins inactive and use a helper application. 2. Copyright and Notice Plugin Chooser is a free software. The Author(T.Kamachi) holds copyright of this software. There is no warranty for damages caused by using this application. 3. Requirements Supported environments: - Microsoft Windows 95, Microsoft Windows NT - Netscape Navigator 2.01ȍ~ 4. Distribution Package The distribution package contains following files: NpChooser.exe Plugin Chooser executable file readme-e.txt This document readme-j.txt Japanese version of readme-e.txt 5. Usage 5.1 make only one plugin active (1) Make sure Netscape Navigator is not running. If Netscape Navigator is running, you must close it. (2) Execute NpChooser. NpChooser searches for plugins for Netscape Navigator, and shows MIME-Types which they support in "Content Types" box. (3) Choose one MIME-Type among "Content Types" box. For example, select "audio/midi" for MIDI, "x-world/x-vrml" for VRML. And then, plugins which supports the MIME-Type you select are displayed in "Active Plugins" box. (4) If multiple plugins are listed in "Active Plugins" box, they are conflicted. Choose a plugin which you don't intend to use, and click down arrow button. And then it moves to "Inactive Plugins" box. Repeat this sequence until there is only one plugin in "Active Plugins" box. (5) If you want to abandon your operation in (4), click "Canel" button. If you want to apply your operation in (4), click "OK" to close NpChooser. (6) run Netscape Navigator. 5.2 Switch plugins (1)`(3) Same as 5.1. (4) Choose a plugin from "Active Plugins" box by clicking it, and click down arrow button to move it in "Inactive plugins" box. Then, choose a plugin, which you intend to use, from "Inactive Plugins" box by clicking it, and click up arrow button to move it in "Active plugins" box. (5)`(6) Same as 5.1. 5.3 Use helper application instead of plugins (1)`(3) Same as 5.1. (4) Choose a plugin from "Active Plugins" box by clicking it, and click down arrow button to move it in "Inactive plugins" box. Repeat it until there is no plugins in "Active Plugins" box. (5)`(6) Same as 5.1. (7) Setup helper applications for Netscape Navigator. 6. Redistribution You can redistribute this package as long as you don't modify any of files in this package and you deliver all the files in this package. You don't have to contact the author when you redistribute this package. 7. Contact If you have requests, questions, bug reports, and comments, contact the author by e-mail at following address: (Teruhisa Kamachi)